
Figma Kit /



Top Navigation

The Top Navigation component is a critical UI element typically positioned at the top of mobile and web applications. It provides users with essential navigation controls, context about their current location within the app, and quick access to key actions or settings.

Key features

  • Multiple layout variants to accommodate different information densities

  • Support for back navigation, page title, and action buttons

  • User profile icon or avatar integration

  • Customizable action buttons (e.g., settings, share, edit)

  • More options menu for additional actions

  • Responsive design adapting to different screen widths

Design considerations

  • Consistent styling across different screens and states

  • Clear visual hierarchy emphasizing the current page or section title

  • Use of recognizable icons for common actions

  • Adequate touch targets for mobile use

  • Alignment with the overall design language of the application

Usage guidelines

  • Maintain consistency in layout and available actions across different screens

  • Use the back button when appropriate for navigating through app hierarchy

  • Clearly display the current page or section title

  • Limit the number of action buttons to avoid cluttering the interface

  • Utilize the "more options" menu for less frequently used actions

This is a part of SegmentUI Pro. SegmentUI Pro is a complete UI kit & component library for Figma & Framer

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One Time Payment

Full Access to the Figma UI Kit

Full Access to the Framer UI Kit

Full Access to the Framer Code Components & CMS Upgrades

Full Access to 4 Premium Framer Templates

Full Access to Framer Code Genie GPT

Request Components & Layouts

Get Updates Forever

Light, Dark & Dynamic Modes

Use for Unlimited Projects

Commercial License Only

Use for personal and client projects

Pro Creator


One Time Payment

Everything in Pro

Template & Commercial License

Use UI Kit to create unlimited client projects and templates

Frequently Asked

For anything not covered here, mail us at


What is SegmentUI?

Is it for Figma or Framer?

How do I access after purchasing?


Can I use it to create client projects?

Can I use it to create Framer templates?


Is there a free version?

Do you have a student discount?

Can I buy components seperately?

Will I get future updates if I purchase now?

Is this a one time payment or a subscription?

What is the difference between Pro and Pro Creator Access?

Supercharge Your Design Workflow

1000+ variations of styles, components, interactions, layouts, transforms, code overrides, code components for Framer & Figma. Power Up Now!

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Loved by Designers, Developers and Founders

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Unlock everything with a one time payment

For the fraction of your next project, you can boost your workflow by 10 folds

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One Time Payment

Full Access to the Figma UI Kit

Full Access to the Framer UI Kit

Full Access to the Framer Code Components & CMS Upgrades

Full Access to 4 Premium Framer Templates

Full Access to Framer Code Genie GPT

Request Components & Layouts

Get Updates Forever

Light, Dark & Dynamic Modes

Use for Unlimited Projects

Commercial License Only

Use for personal and client projects

Pro Creator


One Time Payment

Everything in Pro

Template & Commercial License

Use UI Kit to create unlimited client projects and templates

Frequently Asked

For anything not covered here, mail us at


What is SegmentUI?

Is it for Figma or Framer?

How do I access after purchasing?


Can I use it to create client projects?

Can I use it to create Framer templates?


Is there a free version?

Do you have a student discount?

Can I buy components seperately?

Will I get future updates if I purchase now?

Is this a one time payment or a subscription?

What is the difference between Pro and Pro Creator Access?

Supercharge Your Design Workflow

1000+ variations of styles, components, interactions, layouts, transforms, code overrides, code components for Framer & Figma. Power Up Now!

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Earn 30% revenue share from every sale you bring in. No limits, no strings attached. Get Started Now.

Loved by Designers, Developers and Founders

See what our 3500+ customers have to say

Unlock everything with a one time payment

For the fraction of your next project, you can boost your workflow by 10 folds

Happy ! Use discount code for a special holiday discount!



One Time Payment

Full Access to the Figma UI Kit

Full Access to the Framer UI Kit

Full Access to the Framer Code Components & CMS Upgrades

Full Access to 4 Premium Framer Templates

Full Access to Framer Code Genie GPT

Request Components & Layouts

Get Updates Forever

Light, Dark & Dynamic Modes

Use for Unlimited Projects

Commercial License Only

Use for personal and client projects

Pro Creator


One Time Payment

Everything in Pro

Template & Commercial License

Use UI Kit to create unlimited client projects and templates

Frequently Asked

For anything not covered here, mail us at


What is SegmentUI?

Is it for Figma or Framer?

How do I access after purchasing?


Can I use it to create client projects?

Can I use it to create Framer templates?


Is there a free version?

Do you have a student discount?

Can I buy components seperately?

Will I get future updates if I purchase now?

Is this a one time payment or a subscription?

What is the difference between Pro and Pro Creator Access?

Supercharge Your Design Workflow

1000+ variations of styles, components, interactions, layouts, transforms, code overrides, code components for Framer & Figma. Power Up Now!

Become an Affiliate

Earn 30% revenue share from every sale you bring in. No limits, no strings attached. Get Started Now.