
How Much Can Framer and Web Designers Make?

Web design remains one of the most tried and time tested fields in the design and tech industry, and 2024 is no exception. For those proficient in tools like Framer, the opportunities are HUGE due to the sudden increase in the demand for no code tools & Framer. Whether you want to be a full-time designer or looking to supplement your income streams, understanding the potential earnings can help you plan your career effectively.


Founder @ SegmentUI

Full-Time Web Design Opportunities

  • Entry-Level Designers ($40,000 - $60,000)

  • Mid-Level Designers ($60,000 - $85,000)

  • Experts ($85,000 - $120,000+)

Finding a full time role that is purely web design is pretty rare. There are however, a few big companies that require websites to be constantly updated and require a full time web designer for their day to day operations. Another option is to join design studios where there is an overwhelming influx of web design projects. Generally, to get a higher paying gig, you will need to supplement your web design skills with other skills like user experience design, graphic design or development.

Designers based in big tech hubs like San Francisco, New York, and Seattle tend to earn higher salaries compared to those in smaller cities or regions with a lower cost of living. In countries with lower living standards, such as India or parts of Eastern Europe, designers might earn significantly less, often ranging from $10,000 to $40,000 annually. Another thing to consider is the size of the company. Larger companies usually offer higher salaries

To find jobs and detailed breakdown of salaries based on location, you can check out sites like Glassdoor, Indeed and PayScale

Client Work ($750 - $10,000+ per project)

Client work is the most lucrative way to earn money from Framer. You get paid a huge chunk upfront and you don't have to invest a lot of time in marketing.

Realistically, if you're starting off you can get away charging $1,000-$2,000 per project. As you build up a name and brand for yourself, you can easily get into the $2,000 - $10,000 range per project. An at the highest level, elite web designers charge $20,000+ per project

Offering your services to clients is a direct, time-tested way to make money with Framer. Platforms like X (formerly Twitter), Contra, the Framer community, and Upwork are great places to find clients. Additionally, offering template customization as part of your template can attract clients interested in custom designs that match your style.

Freelancing provides a high earning potential per project and immediate income but can be time-intensive and stressful to acquire new clients. For more insights on how to find jobs and clients for Framer, check out this detailed guide.

Digital Products ($1,000 - $3,000 per month)

Creating and selling templates, UI kits, and design systems can be a lucrative venture by listing your templates on Framer's official site and promoting it on social. You can also create other digital products like UI Kits, component libraries, E-books courses etc. Check out our free component library for inspiration and resources. This approach offers passive income potential and scalability with multiple templates, although marketing efforts are required to drive sales due to high competition.

If you're starting off, you can expect to make $500 - $2000 per template leveraging Framer's marketplace

On the higher end, creators like Cedric have reported to be making $4,000 - $7,000 per month selling templates. To reach this level, personal branding and marketing is necessary.

Here are some figures from templates that I created. You can check them out here

Affiliate Income ($50 - $3,000)

I personally make somewhere between $200-$700 per month from the partner program without actively making templates.

Join Framer's partner program to earn rewards through remix links and affiliate links. You earn 50% of the revenue for the next year anytime someone purchases a plan using your template or affiliate link. Learn more about making passive income through affiliate marketing in this guide. This method offers passive income with minimal effort, leveraging an existing audience, but requires effective promotion strategies to kick off.

The amazing part of this method is that it can compound very fast the longer you're in the game. The downside however is that it can take a while before you see you first $ from this method

Consultation ($100 - $500 per hour)

Leverage your expertise by offering consultation or coaching calls. Charge for time blocks to help clients with their Framer projects, provide design advice, or troubleshoot issues. This can build your personal brand and provide high hourly rates, though it requires you to build a brand for yourself first.

YouTube/X Ad Revenue ($100 - $2,000 per month)

Start a YouTube channel dedicated to Framer tutorials and concepts. Monetize your channel through ad revenue, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing. This approach builds a large, engaged audience and offers multiple monetization methods, but requires consistent content creation and a substantial subscriber base to earn significant income.

Stacking Income Streams

Combining full-time roles with side projects can significantly boost earnings. For example, a senior designer earning $85,000 annually can also generate additional income through client work, digital products, and affiliate marketing:

  • Full-Time Salary: $85,000

  • Client Work: $10,000 - $20,000 (2-3 projects)

  • Digital Products: $12,000 - $36,000 ($1,000 - $3,000 per month)

  • Affiliate Income: $2,000 - $3,000

Total Potential Income: $109,000 - $144,000+


By continuously improving your skills, building a strong portfolio, and leveraging opportunities within the Framer ecosystem, you can maximize your income by stacking different product based and service based skills. For more insights and tips, check out this comprehensive guide on finding jobs and clients for Framer and explore 15 ways to make money with Framer.

If you're trying to level up your Framer game, check out our Component Library or Design System. If you're new to Framer, you might find our Free Foundation Kit Helpful

Power up your Framer Workflow

Constantly updating, 360 degree solutions for Framer. Build more, design faster, sell more, charge more

Loved by Designers, Developers and Founders

See what our 3500+ customers have to say

Ajinkya Gajbhiye



"Amazing work Nabeel. This should be really helpful for people wanting to launch framer websites at speed."

Marc Andrew


Founder, Cabanna Design System

"This is a no-brainer. Nabeel is a master at his craft and someone who only builds products of extreme value to the end-user. 100% recommend."



Framer Partner

"…The Fastest way to get started on your framer projects…"

Carlos G


Framer Designer

"Anyone who creates things with Framer should keep the SegmentUI kit in mind to improve their workflow!"

Ghostncrypt G



"…SegmentUI has been one of the best value purchases I have made this year by far, with constant updates and a wide selection to choose from. “



Design Engineer

"…Once you see some results, do not shy away from putting back into the business, it'll give you a better ROI than probably anywhere else in the world. I got tools that sped up my design, like @itsnotnabeel segment…"

Jemsee D


Official Framer Partner

"…Watch your vision come to life without writing a single line of code…"

Danny Sapio


Founder, FramerOverrides, FramerAuth

"If you're a freelancer, agency, or just someone who makes a lot of Framer sites then this such a solid investment and time saver. Nabeel you crushed it on this one dude!"

Punit Chawla


Founder Designwings UX/UI School

"…Its basically a never ending list of 100s if not 1000s of templates in one place"

Charles Brewer



"Great job! This is super useful to the Framer community!..."

Anand Koonath



"Yoo, SegmentUI was one of the first sites I had used to learn Framer. Pumped to see you make a UI kit..."



Founder, ToolFolio

"@itsnotnabeel is adding Value to Segment UI Every. Single. Day. One of my favorite @framer Resources out there"

Unlock everything with a one time payment

For the fraction of your next project, you can boost your workflow by 10 folds

psst, you're eligible for a secret discount. Use SCHOLARSJOURNEY at checkout



One Time Payment

Full Access to the Framer UI Kit

Light, Dark & Dynamic Kits

Full Access to the Framer Code Components & CMS Upgrades

Full Access to 4 Premium Framer Templates

Full Access to Framer Code Genie GPT

Request Components & Layouts

Get Updates Forever

Use for Unlimited Projects

Commercial License Only

Use for personal and client projects

Pro Creator


One Time Payment

Everything in Pro

Template & Commercial License

Use UI Kit to create unlimited client projects and templates

Frequently Asked

For anything not covered here, mail us at

What is SegmentUI?

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Will I get Future updates if I purchase now?

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Do you have a student discount?

How do I access after purchasing?

What makes this special?

Is there a dark mode for the UI Kit?

Supercharge your Framer workflow

1000+ variations of styles, components, interactions, layouts, transforms, code overrides, code components. Preview Kit

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Power up your Framer Workflow

Constantly updating, 360 degree solutions for Framer. Build more, design faster, sell more, charge more

Loved by Designers, Developers and Founders

See what our 3500+ customers have to say

Ajinkya Gajbhiye



"Amazing work Nabeel. This should be really helpful for people wanting to launch framer websites at speed."

Marc Andrew


Founder, Cabanna Design System

"This is a no-brainer. Nabeel is a master at his craft and someone who only builds products of extreme value to the end-user. 100% recommend."



Framer Partner

"…The Fastest way to get started on your framer projects…"

Carlos G


Framer Designer

"Anyone who creates things with Framer should keep the SegmentUI kit in mind to improve their workflow!"

Ghostncrypt G



"…SegmentUI has been one of the best value purchases I have made this year by far, with constant updates and a wide selection to choose from. “



Design Engineer

"…Once you see some results, do not shy away from putting back into the business, it'll give you a better ROI than probably anywhere else in the world. I got tools that sped up my design, like @itsnotnabeel segment…"

Jemsee D


Official Framer Partner

"…Watch your vision come to life without writing a single line of code…"

Danny Sapio


Founder, FramerOverrides, FramerAuth

"If you're a freelancer, agency, or just someone who makes a lot of Framer sites then this such a solid investment and time saver. Nabeel you crushed it on this one dude!"

Punit Chawla


Founder Designwings UX/UI School

"…Its basically a never ending list of 100s if not 1000s of templates in one place"

Charles Brewer



"Great job! This is super useful to the Framer community!..."

Anand Koonath



"Yoo, SegmentUI was one of the first sites I had used to learn Framer. Pumped to see you make a UI kit..."



Founder, ToolFolio

"@itsnotnabeel is adding Value to Segment UI Every. Single. Day. One of my favorite @framer Resources out there"

Unlock everything with a one time payment

For the fraction of your next project, you can boost your workflow by 10 folds

psst, you're eligible for a secret discount. Use SCHOLARSJOURNEY at checkout



One Time Payment

Full Access to the Framer UI Kit

Light, Dark & Dynamic Kits

Full Access to the Framer Code Components & CMS Upgrades

Full Access to 4 Premium Framer Templates

Full Access to Framer Code Genie GPT

Request Components & Layouts

Get Updates Forever

Use for Unlimited Projects

Commercial License Only

Use for personal and client projects

Pro Creator


One Time Payment

Everything in Pro

Template & Commercial License

Use UI Kit to create unlimited client projects and templates

Frequently Asked

For anything not covered here, mail us at

What is SegmentUI?

Is this a one time payment or a subscription?

Will I get Future updates if I purchase now?

Is there a free version?

Do you have a student discount?

How do I access after purchasing?

What makes this special?

Is there a dark mode for the UI Kit?

Supercharge your Framer workflow

1000+ variations of styles, components, interactions, layouts, transforms, code overrides, code components. Preview Kit

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Power up your Framer Workflow

Constantly updating, 360 degree solutions for Framer. Build more, design faster, sell more, charge more

Loved by Designers, Developers and Founders

See what our 3500+ customers have to say

Ajinkya Gajbhiye



"Amazing work Nabeel. This should be really helpful for people wanting to launch framer websites at speed."

Marc Andrew


Founder, Cabanna Design System

"This is a no-brainer. Nabeel is a master at his craft and someone who only builds products of extreme value to the end-user. 100% recommend."



Framer Partner

"…The Fastest way to get started on your framer projects…"

Carlos G


Framer Designer

"Anyone who creates things with Framer should keep the SegmentUI kit in mind to improve their workflow!"

Ghostncrypt G



"…SegmentUI has been one of the best value purchases I have made this year by far, with constant updates and a wide selection to choose from. “



Design Engineer

"…Once you see some results, do not shy away from putting back into the business, it'll give you a better ROI than probably anywhere else in the world. I got tools that sped up my design, like @itsnotnabeel segment…"

Jemsee D


Official Framer Partner

"…Watch your vision come to life without writing a single line of code…"

Danny Sapio


Founder, FramerOverrides, FramerAuth

"If you're a freelancer, agency, or just someone who makes a lot of Framer sites then this such a solid investment and time saver. Nabeel you crushed it on this one dude!"

Punit Chawla


Founder Designwings UX/UI School

"…Its basically a never ending list of 100s if not 1000s of templates in one place"

Charles Brewer



"Great job! This is super useful to the Framer community!..."

Anand Koonath



"Yoo, SegmentUI was one of the first sites I had used to learn Framer. Pumped to see you make a UI kit..."



Founder, ToolFolio

"@itsnotnabeel is adding Value to Segment UI Every. Single. Day. One of my favorite @framer Resources out there"

Unlock everything with a one time payment

For the fraction of your next project, you can boost your workflow by 10 folds

psst, you're eligible for a secret discount. Use SCHOLARSJOURNEY at checkout



One Time Payment

Full Access to the Framer UI Kit

Light, Dark & Dynamic Kits

Full Access to the Framer Code Components & CMS Upgrades

Full Access to 4 Premium Framer Templates

Full Access to Framer Code Genie GPT

Request Components & Layouts

Get Updates Forever

Use for Unlimited Projects

Commercial License Only

Use for personal and client projects

Pro Creator


One Time Payment

Everything in Pro

Template & Commercial License

Use UI Kit to create unlimited client projects and templates

Frequently Asked

For anything not covered here, mail us at

What is SegmentUI?

Is this a one time payment or a subscription?

Will I get Future updates if I purchase now?

Is there a free version?

Do you have a student discount?

How do I access after purchasing?

What makes this special?

Is there a dark mode for the UI Kit?

Supercharge your Framer workflow

1000+ variations of styles, components, interactions, layouts, transforms, code overrides, code components. Preview Kit

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