
How to Sell More Digital Products & Templates


Founder @ SegmentUI

In this blog post, I'll be sharing all my tricks and insights that helped me grow, including what I use to grow SegmentUI.


When I first started selling Framer templates, I didn't implement any strategies, and as a result, my first two templates performed poorly. It wasn't until I began using specific strategies to increase impressions and conversions that I saw a significant improvement. My third template took off, and these strategies have been crucial for my success ever since.

Part 1: Understanding the Funnel

The conversion funnel is the basis of everything that follows in this post. It consists of three primary stages: impressions, page views, and sales. To increase sales its 3 simple steps:

Increase the number of Impressions

Impressions are crucial because they represent the number of times potential customers see your product. Think of it like putting up a billboard. The more people see it, the better your chances of attracting interest. This could be through social media posts, search results, or ads. My goal is always to maximize these touchpoints to get my product in front of as many eyes as possible.

Increase the Click Through Rate

Page views happen when someone clicks on your product link and visits your product page. Click through rate is the percentage of people that see your post/search result and click on it. For something to have a hight CTR, it needs to be engaging with a clear call to action.

Improve The Conversion Rate

Sales are, of course, the ultimate goal. It's that moment when a customer completes the purchase process and becomes part of your success story.

A key metric I closely monitor is the conversion rate. This measures how many page views resulted in a sale. Understanding and improving this rate is essential because it directly impacts your bottom line. For instance, if 100 people visit your page and 5 make a purchase, your conversion rate is 5%. My goal has always been to find ways to improve this number.

Another important thing I’ve learned is that sales are not always a straightforward A to B process. Users often take a winding path. They might see your product on social media, visit your page, leave to compare other options, and then return days or even weeks later to make a purchase. It’s all about staying top of mind.

…and as always, continuous improvement is key!

Part 2: Increasing Impressions

Getting more impressions was a major challenge for me initially, especially as my product moved down the list on the Framer templates page. If you've been creating templates, it's something you must have noticed too. In the initial days, your templates do really well and then taper off. I whole heartedly believe that everyone has products that can sell - the challenging part is getting the right eyeballs to it. If your only source of traffic is the official Framer site, you're bound to lose sales and those impressions eventually die off.

The Shotgun Strategy

My strategy is something that i like to call The Shotgun Strategy. This involves using multiple platforms to create a synergistic effect. No single platform will make or break your sales, but together, they can significantly increase your visibility.

Use discount codes for each platform to track where your customers came from

Social Media

  • I make it a point to regularly post on X, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Dribbble.

  • Platforms like X have high engagement but also high competition. Other platforms like Instagram and Youtube have lower engagement but the conversion rates are way higher. I've gotten conversions from all of the mentioned social media platforms

  • Offer discounts, be creative with your marketing. Don't just post "new template pls buy now"

Be patient with your posting and rely on a system for posting not based on your mood

Curation Lists/Inspiration Lists

Getting featured in curated lists and inspiration galleries can be a consistent way of getting traffic. Reach out to creators of such sites, use affiliate programs to incentivise sharing. For example, curations of the best Framer template store or curations of the best Framer products

Niche Design Products

Try to promote your products in niche design channels like Chrome extensions, new tab extensions, and design newsletters for targeted traffic.

YouTube & Blogs

Create content around your product, such as tutorials, set up guides and teasers. The strategy here is simple.

  • What are your target audience searching for?

  • Make content around that

  • Repeat


Use relevant keywords inside your template, in your template descriptions and postings. Also create blog posts related to what your target audience might be searching for.

Email Marketing

Building and nurturing an email list with lead magnets and free products. In this method, you own your audience and aren't tied to the whims of the algorithm to perform well. My strategy for this:

  1. Create a bunch of free products

  2. Put it behind an e-mail wall

  3. Collect email and promote your products without being spammy

Since the users who download your free remixes are users who would likely buy your product, this strategy is great. However, the key is in making sure your emails don't end up being spammy.

Framer Community

Post actively in the Framer Community channel. It's a free way to get 1000s of eyeballs without building a brand. It also ranks very high on Google so it can play into your SEO strategy

Alternative Platforms

Explore less crowded platforms related to your template. For example, advertising on Brett's productised design course group brought in niche traffic to my productised design template.


Experimenting with different platforms and analyzing the return on investment (ROI) for each is key. I use Google Analytics to track where my traffic is coming from and what worked well where days where I have a spike in sales.

Again, not all traffic convert the same. Use discount codes on different platform to track conversions

Part 3: Increasing Conversions

Converting page views into sales is all about making your product irresistible and streamlining the purchase process. Here’s what I focus on:

Create High-Quality Products

Ultimately, no amount of "tricks" can help you if your product/template is bad. The best strategy in this entire page is making a product that is high quality and serves the user. You cannot out market a bad product. Here are some tips to increase the perceived quality of your products.

  • Stay Updated with Trends: Follow the latest design trends to keep your products fresh. Analyse well performing templates, see what works and what doesn't. Try deconstructing and reconstructing good designed interfaces for yourself.

  • Make your templates stand out with animations and small interactive details. A lot of times, assets make or break your templates

  • Add unique features/custom code components, CMS upgrades that cannot be found in other templates. This is an easy way to stand out. We have a whole list of upgrades that can help you stand out.

  • Give more value. For example, more layouts, more CMS. more custom components. I can buy one template from your competitor or buy a 3-in-1 template from you.

  • Listen to Feedback: Continuously improve your products based on user feedback.

Add Urgency

Use limited-time offers, flash sales to create FOMO, and highlight limited availability to motivate faster decisions. You can use our seasonal discount banner to automate this. You can also add real time timers to push the user to make a decision faster.

Give Them the Best Deals

  • Parity Pricing: Offer discounts to people in countries with lower purchasing power to ensure some sales rather than none. You can use a custom solution like parity deals our own parity banner.

  • Student Discounts: Offer lower prices for students. Ask them to contact you via email with some proof.

Bundle Offers

Sell multiple templates together at a discounted price to increase sales. Generally, most users are not gonna buy more than 1 product from you. So bundling your product is a good way to ensure your average order value is higher. I can buy one template from your competitor at $49 or buy 7 from you at $99. In the end, both you and the customer are happy. Think of the McDonalds offer. They could sell the whole meal separately to you. Why are they risking profits by selling it all to you at a discounted price?

You don't need to necessarily sell double to double your revenue. You can sell the same amount but double your pricing to double your revenue

Simplify the Purchase Process

Make the buying process as simple as possible by implementing one-click purchasing options. Add option to purchase on every site. Don't make the user go to another site, switch sites just to get to the "Buy" button. This is a well accepted law of behaviour. The easier something is to do, the more users will do it. Think - Amazon one step checkout.

Show Social Proof

Highlight positive reviews and testimonials to build trust, and encourage satisfied customers to give you reviews. Every e-commerce site has reviews. Why shouldn't yours? Video testimonials work like magic. Ultimately if your template/product has solved a problem for one company, it will solve for them as well.

Understand Your Users

Find out what problems your users have and create products that solve them. Participate in forums and groups to understand your audience better, and use search data to learn what your target audience is looking for. Tailoring your assets, messaging and content to their need can 1 - help them understand that this product is for them and 2 - show up on search when they type queries related to the content.

Explain what your product does, who it's for, and why it's valuable. Focus on highlighting the main benefits to make your product more appealing to potential customers.

Establish Trust

Participate in relevant communities and offer free resources to build trust. Make it simple for users to contact you with questions or concerns. Create tutorial videos that show how easy it is to use your products, and always present your real, authentic self. Avoid hiding behind an anon anime pfp. Always aim to provide value in every interaction.

Part 4: Choosing the Right Products to Make

Choosing the right products to create involves understanding market trends and gaps. If you make a product that no one needs, no amount of marketing can save your product. Here’s my approach:

Market Trends: I always keep an eye on what’s trending. For example, dark mode, productized services, AI, and crypto trends have all seen recent popularity. Riding a trend can give you a significant advantage. Keep an eye out on what popular on X and curation sites like Land-Book, Godly Design.

Market Gaps: Looking for gaps in the market that I can fill is key. I offer features or designs that others don’t. For example, I focus on custom interactions, unique code components, high-quality visuals, and multiple layouts to make my template stand out.

Trendy but Not Saturated: It’s important to choose a niche that is trendy but not oversaturated. This ensures that there’s demand for your product but also room for you to stand out.

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For the fraction of your next project, you can boost your workflow by 10 folds

psst, you're eligible for a secret discount. Use SCHOLARSJOURNEY at checkout



One Time Payment

Full Access to the Figma UI Kit

Full Access to the Framer UI Kit

Full Access to the Framer Code Components & CMS Upgrades

Full Access to 4 Premium Framer Templates

Full Access to Framer Code Genie GPT

Request Components & Layouts

Get Updates Forever

Light, Dark & Dynamic Modes

Use for Unlimited Projects

Commercial License Only

Use for personal and client projects

Pro Creator


One Time Payment

Everything in Pro

Template & Commercial License

Use UI Kit to create unlimited client projects and templates

Frequently Asked

For anything not covered here, mail us at


What is SegmentUI?

Is it for Figma or Framer?

How do I access after purchasing?


Can I use it to create client projects?

Can I use it to create Framer templates?


Is there a free version?

Do you have a student discount?

Can I buy components seperately?

Will I get future updates if I purchase now?

Is this a one time payment or a subscription?

What is the difference between Pro and Pro Creator Access?

Supercharge Your Design Workflow

1000+ variations of styles, components, interactions, layouts, transforms, code overrides, code components for Framer & Figma. Power Up Now!

Loved by Designers, Developers and Founders

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Unlock everything with a one time payment

For the fraction of your next project, you can boost your workflow by 10 folds

psst, you're eligible for a secret discount. Use SCHOLARSJOURNEY at checkout



One Time Payment

Full Access to the Figma UI Kit

Full Access to the Framer UI Kit

Full Access to the Framer Code Components & CMS Upgrades

Full Access to 4 Premium Framer Templates

Full Access to Framer Code Genie GPT

Request Components & Layouts

Get Updates Forever

Light, Dark & Dynamic Modes

Use for Unlimited Projects

Commercial License Only

Use for personal and client projects

Pro Creator


One Time Payment

Everything in Pro

Template & Commercial License

Use UI Kit to create unlimited client projects and templates

Frequently Asked

For anything not covered here, mail us at


What is SegmentUI?

Is it for Figma or Framer?

How do I access after purchasing?


Can I use it to create client projects?

Can I use it to create Framer templates?


Is there a free version?

Do you have a student discount?

Can I buy components seperately?

Will I get future updates if I purchase now?

Is this a one time payment or a subscription?

What is the difference between Pro and Pro Creator Access?

Supercharge Your Design Workflow

1000+ variations of styles, components, interactions, layouts, transforms, code overrides, code components for Framer & Figma. Power Up Now!

Loved by Designers, Developers and Founders

See what our 3500+ customers have to say

Unlock everything with a one time payment

For the fraction of your next project, you can boost your workflow by 10 folds

psst, you're eligible for a secret discount. Use SCHOLARSJOURNEY at checkout



One Time Payment

Full Access to the Figma UI Kit

Full Access to the Framer UI Kit

Full Access to the Framer Code Components & CMS Upgrades

Full Access to 4 Premium Framer Templates

Full Access to Framer Code Genie GPT

Request Components & Layouts

Get Updates Forever

Light, Dark & Dynamic Modes

Use for Unlimited Projects

Commercial License Only

Use for personal and client projects

Pro Creator


One Time Payment

Everything in Pro

Template & Commercial License

Use UI Kit to create unlimited client projects and templates

Frequently Asked

For anything not covered here, mail us at


What is SegmentUI?

Is it for Figma or Framer?

How do I access after purchasing?


Can I use it to create client projects?

Can I use it to create Framer templates?


Is there a free version?

Do you have a student discount?

Can I buy components seperately?

Will I get future updates if I purchase now?

Is this a one time payment or a subscription?

What is the difference between Pro and Pro Creator Access?

Supercharge Your Design Workflow

1000+ variations of styles, components, interactions, layouts, transforms, code overrides, code components for Framer & Figma. Power Up Now!