
How to Make Passive Income with Framer Affiliates & Partner Program

Joining the Framer Partner Program is a great way to earn money while contributing to the Framer community. Partners can earn a generous 50% commission on any client they refer to Framer. There are three main ways to earn: selling templates, handing over client sites, or sharing affiliate links.


Founder @ SegmentUI

Benefits of Being a Framer Partner

Some companies take 20-40% of the commission for sales whereas Framer takes 0% and gives you an additional 50% of hosting revenue for a whole year! Becoming a Framer Partner comes with several perks:

  • Generous Commissions: Earn 50% commission on any client you refer to Framer.

  • Revenue Share Benefits: Enjoy a revenue share of a successful SaaS with no dev costs, no marketing costs, predictable LTV, minimal churn, and infinite scalability.

  • Flexible Earning Options: Choose between selling templates, handing over client sites, or sharing affiliate links.

  • Community Engagement: Engage with a thriving partner community and receive promotional support from Framer.

Ways to Earn Money

Selling Templates

Selling templates is a lucrative option within the Framer Partner Program. Whether you're an experienced designer or a beginner, creating and selling templates can generate substantial income. Here's how it works:

  • Free Templates: Reach a broad audience within the app, though they typically result in lower rates of users upgrading to paid plans.

  • Paid Templates: Require an upfront purchase, often leading to a higher percentage of users transitioning to paid plans.

Each duplicated template uses your unique referral link, earning you 50% of any subscription fee for a year if users upgrade to a paid plan. For example, a remix link might look like this:

Note that low barrier-to-entry categories like portfolios are a great way to get started. Paid templates convert better but fewer people have access to them. Free templates convert less but more people will have access to them.

Handing Over Client Sites

Freelancers and agencies can earn by transferring client projects with a remix link containing your partner tag. This ensures your referral is captured and reflected in your FirstPromoter account. For example, when handing over a client site, your remix link might look like this:

It's essential to use the remix link with your partner tag attached when building for clients or creating templates to ensure proper attribution.

Sharing Your Affiliate Link

Create content such as courses, lessons, or blog posts featuring Framer and include your unique partner tag in the link. This tracks referrals and credits you when users purchase a Framer plan. An example of an affiliate link would be:

Note: Running ads with affiliate links is prohibited, and violations will result in removal from the program.

Creating Your Remix Link

To generate a referral through your remix link (when selling templates or handing over a client site), add your unique partner tag to the end of your remix link in this format:

Make sure to add the “&” symbol in front of your partner tag for it to work. For a hassle-free experience, you can automatically generate your affiliate link by visiting the Framer site. Note that remix links override affiliate links, ensuring a foolproof way of getting your share of the revenue since they are tracked via the backend.

Understanding Attribution: Affiliate vs. Remix Links

Understanding how affiliate and remix links attribute credit is essential for maximizing their effectiveness.

Affiliate Links

Affiliate links on Framer use a specific format and rely on cookies that remain active for 90 days. These links credit the initial partner who directed customers to, following a "first-touch" attribution model. However, there are potential issues with affiliate links, including reliance on customers accepting the privacy policy, vulnerability to ad or tracker blockers, and Safari's limitation of maintaining client-side cookies for only seven days. An example of an affiliate link would be:

Remix Links

Remix links do not track visible clicks but ensure conversion visibility in your FirstPromoter account. These links provide revenue security by directly attributing earnings, regardless of cookie settings or user browsing methods. Unlike affiliate links, remix links operate solely in the backend and maintain a 90-day attribution period. They can also override default attribution models, guaranteeing payment for the specific assisted project, even if there was previous cookie attribution. It's important to remember that components are less likely to convert if a user remixes your file, copies your component, and uses someone else's remix link. An example of a remix link would be:


If you encounter any issues or need assistance, you can reach out to the Framer team for support:

  • Email:

  • Framer Community: Create a post in the Partner section of the Framer Community.

Partner and Affiliate Payouts

Partner Payouts

Partners receive payouts two months after reaching the $200 threshold to account for potential template refunds. Payouts are processed in batches corresponding to specific months; for example, earnings from March are paid out in May, and earnings from April are paid out in June. It's also important to note that for partner payouts, you will have to wait 2 months after you make your first $200.

Using FirstPromoter

FirstPromoter is the platform we use to manage partner referrals and payouts. Shortly after being accepted into the partner program, you'll receive an invitation from FirstPromoter. Here, you'll find your affiliate tag and can track your payments.

  • Affiliate Links: Use the direct link provided by FirstPromoter. For example:

  • Remix Links: Add a version of your tag to the end of your remix link. For example:

Ensuring the correct setup is crucial because we can only attribute referrals if the partner tag is added to remix links correctly. If there are small hiccups along the way due to payment processors, they eventually get fixed.

Sending Invoices to Framer

Once the conditions for payouts are met, you will receive an email from Framer with instructions. Contra supports local bank accounts, PayPal, or crypto USDC payouts.

Some Tips

  • Components are less likely to convert - If a user remixes your file, copies your component and uses someone else's remix link, you do not get a share of the revenue. - If they copy it to their own file, the affiliate they first clicked on gets the commission and not you.

  • The cookies stick around for 90 days This operates on a "first-touch" model, which credits the partner responsible for the INITIAL customer visit to Framer So even if someone uses your affiliate link and buys hosting, someone else may get the revenue share.

  • Remix Links & Templates: If someone uses your remix link, it is a foolproof way of getting your share of the revenue since they are tracked via the back end. Remix Links override the Affiliate links. Link clicks are NOT TRACKED in firstpromoter

External Links

Power up your Framer Workflow

Constantly updating, 360 degree solutions for Framer. Build more, design faster, sell more, charge more

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Ajinkya Gajbhiye



"Amazing work Nabeel. This should be really helpful for people wanting to launch framer websites at speed."

Marc Andrew


Founder, Cabanna Design System

"This is a no-brainer. Nabeel is a master at his craft and someone who only builds products of extreme value to the end-user. 100% recommend."



Framer Partner

"…The Fastest way to get started on your framer projects…"

Carlos G


Framer Designer

"Anyone who creates things with Framer should keep the SegmentUI kit in mind to improve their workflow!"

Ghostncrypt G



"…SegmentUI has been one of the best value purchases I have made this year by far, with constant updates and a wide selection to choose from. “



Design Engineer

"…Once you see some results, do not shy away from putting back into the business, it'll give you a better ROI than probably anywhere else in the world. I got tools that sped up my design, like @itsnotnabeel segment…"

Jemsee D


Official Framer Partner

"…Watch your vision come to life without writing a single line of code…"

Danny Sapio


Founder, FramerOverrides, FramerAuth

"If you're a freelancer, agency, or just someone who makes a lot of Framer sites then this such a solid investment and time saver. Nabeel you crushed it on this one dude!"

Punit Chawla


Founder Designwings UX/UI School

"…Its basically a never ending list of 100s if not 1000s of templates in one place"

Charles Brewer



"Great job! This is super useful to the Framer community!..."

Anand Koonath



"Yoo, SegmentUI was one of the first sites I had used to learn Framer. Pumped to see you make a UI kit..."



Founder, ToolFolio

"@itsnotnabeel is adding Value to Segment UI Every. Single. Day. One of my favorite @framer Resources out there"

Unlock everything with a one time payment

For the fraction of your next project, you can boost your workflow by 10 folds

psst, you're eligible for a secret discount. Use SCHOLARSJOURNEY at checkout



One Time Payment

Full Access to the Framer UI Kit

Light, Dark & Dynamic Kits

Full Access to the Framer Code Components & CMS Upgrades

Full Access to 4 Premium Framer Templates

Full Access to Framer Code Genie GPT

Request Components & Layouts

Get Updates Forever

Use for Unlimited Projects

Commercial License Only

Use for personal and client projects

Pro Creator


One Time Payment

Everything in Pro

Template & Commercial License

Use UI Kit to create unlimited client projects and templates

Frequently Asked

For anything not covered here, mail us at

What is SegmentUI?

Is this a one time payment or a subscription?

Will I get Future updates if I purchase now?

Is there a free version?

Do you have a student discount?

How do I access after purchasing?

What makes this special?

Is there a dark mode for the UI Kit?

Supercharge your Framer workflow

1000+ variations of styles, components, interactions, layouts, transforms, code overrides, code components. Preview Kit

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Power up your Framer Workflow

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Loved by Designers, Developers and Founders

See what our 3500+ customers have to say

Ajinkya Gajbhiye



"Amazing work Nabeel. This should be really helpful for people wanting to launch framer websites at speed."

Marc Andrew


Founder, Cabanna Design System

"This is a no-brainer. Nabeel is a master at his craft and someone who only builds products of extreme value to the end-user. 100% recommend."



Framer Partner

"…The Fastest way to get started on your framer projects…"

Carlos G


Framer Designer

"Anyone who creates things with Framer should keep the SegmentUI kit in mind to improve their workflow!"

Ghostncrypt G



"…SegmentUI has been one of the best value purchases I have made this year by far, with constant updates and a wide selection to choose from. “



Design Engineer

"…Once you see some results, do not shy away from putting back into the business, it'll give you a better ROI than probably anywhere else in the world. I got tools that sped up my design, like @itsnotnabeel segment…"

Jemsee D


Official Framer Partner

"…Watch your vision come to life without writing a single line of code…"

Danny Sapio


Founder, FramerOverrides, FramerAuth

"If you're a freelancer, agency, or just someone who makes a lot of Framer sites then this such a solid investment and time saver. Nabeel you crushed it on this one dude!"

Punit Chawla


Founder Designwings UX/UI School

"…Its basically a never ending list of 100s if not 1000s of templates in one place"

Charles Brewer



"Great job! This is super useful to the Framer community!..."

Anand Koonath



"Yoo, SegmentUI was one of the first sites I had used to learn Framer. Pumped to see you make a UI kit..."



Founder, ToolFolio

"@itsnotnabeel is adding Value to Segment UI Every. Single. Day. One of my favorite @framer Resources out there"

Unlock everything with a one time payment

For the fraction of your next project, you can boost your workflow by 10 folds

psst, you're eligible for a secret discount. Use SCHOLARSJOURNEY at checkout



One Time Payment

Full Access to the Framer UI Kit

Light, Dark & Dynamic Kits

Full Access to the Framer Code Components & CMS Upgrades

Full Access to 4 Premium Framer Templates

Full Access to Framer Code Genie GPT

Request Components & Layouts

Get Updates Forever

Use for Unlimited Projects

Commercial License Only

Use for personal and client projects

Pro Creator


One Time Payment

Everything in Pro

Template & Commercial License

Use UI Kit to create unlimited client projects and templates

Frequently Asked

For anything not covered here, mail us at

What is SegmentUI?

Is this a one time payment or a subscription?

Will I get Future updates if I purchase now?

Is there a free version?

Do you have a student discount?

How do I access after purchasing?

What makes this special?

Is there a dark mode for the UI Kit?

Supercharge your Framer workflow

1000+ variations of styles, components, interactions, layouts, transforms, code overrides, code components. Preview Kit

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Power up your Framer Workflow

Constantly updating, 360 degree solutions for Framer. Build more, design faster, sell more, charge more

Loved by Designers, Developers and Founders

See what our 3500+ customers have to say

Ajinkya Gajbhiye



"Amazing work Nabeel. This should be really helpful for people wanting to launch framer websites at speed."

Marc Andrew


Founder, Cabanna Design System

"This is a no-brainer. Nabeel is a master at his craft and someone who only builds products of extreme value to the end-user. 100% recommend."



Framer Partner

"…The Fastest way to get started on your framer projects…"

Carlos G


Framer Designer

"Anyone who creates things with Framer should keep the SegmentUI kit in mind to improve their workflow!"

Ghostncrypt G



"…SegmentUI has been one of the best value purchases I have made this year by far, with constant updates and a wide selection to choose from. “



Design Engineer

"…Once you see some results, do not shy away from putting back into the business, it'll give you a better ROI than probably anywhere else in the world. I got tools that sped up my design, like @itsnotnabeel segment…"

Jemsee D


Official Framer Partner

"…Watch your vision come to life without writing a single line of code…"

Danny Sapio


Founder, FramerOverrides, FramerAuth

"If you're a freelancer, agency, or just someone who makes a lot of Framer sites then this such a solid investment and time saver. Nabeel you crushed it on this one dude!"

Punit Chawla


Founder Designwings UX/UI School

"…Its basically a never ending list of 100s if not 1000s of templates in one place"

Charles Brewer



"Great job! This is super useful to the Framer community!..."

Anand Koonath



"Yoo, SegmentUI was one of the first sites I had used to learn Framer. Pumped to see you make a UI kit..."



Founder, ToolFolio

"@itsnotnabeel is adding Value to Segment UI Every. Single. Day. One of my favorite @framer Resources out there"

Unlock everything with a one time payment

For the fraction of your next project, you can boost your workflow by 10 folds

psst, you're eligible for a secret discount. Use SCHOLARSJOURNEY at checkout



One Time Payment

Full Access to the Framer UI Kit

Light, Dark & Dynamic Kits

Full Access to the Framer Code Components & CMS Upgrades

Full Access to 4 Premium Framer Templates

Full Access to Framer Code Genie GPT

Request Components & Layouts

Get Updates Forever

Use for Unlimited Projects

Commercial License Only

Use for personal and client projects

Pro Creator


One Time Payment

Everything in Pro

Template & Commercial License

Use UI Kit to create unlimited client projects and templates

Frequently Asked

For anything not covered here, mail us at

What is SegmentUI?

Is this a one time payment or a subscription?

Will I get Future updates if I purchase now?

Is there a free version?

Do you have a student discount?

How do I access after purchasing?

What makes this special?

Is there a dark mode for the UI Kit?

Supercharge your Framer workflow

1000+ variations of styles, components, interactions, layouts, transforms, code overrides, code components. Preview Kit

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