Framer Template Checklist

Founder @ SegmentUI
A comprehensive checklist on how to get your Framer template approved in the Framer market place
Design Principles
▢ Has good graphic design principles.
▢ Ensured strong contrast throughout the design.
▢ Applied fitting typography to complement the design.
▢ Created a well-structured and user-friendly layout.
▢ Maintained balance between visual elements.
▢ Developed effective hierarchies for guiding user attention.
Contemporary Trends & Visual Appeal
▢ Designed in line with current web design trends.
▢ Made layout and composition visually appealing.
▢ Devised a logical layer structure.
▢ Maintained a good view at all breakpoints.
▢ Minimized the use of placeholder content.
Unique & Purposeful Design
▢ Made each page layout unique.
▢ Avoided trivial differences between page designs.
▢ Ensured design compatibility with all devices and screen sizes.
▢ Reduced breakpoints for broad device compatibility.
▢ Tailored template for specific use cases.
Animations & Effects
▢ Sustained consistency in effects and animations.
▢ Applied effects and animations to enhance functionality and user experience.
Template Compliance & User Experience
▢ Published template to a free custom URL.
▢ Avoided using Framer's UI to display the mockups in the designs.
▢ Made sure all links in the template are functional and lead to valid URLs.
▢ Linked navigation or footer pages to corresponding pages.
▢ Used only default or Google fonts packaged with Framer.
▢ Ensured clear structuring of HTML tags on elements.
▢ Added alt tags to images as required.
▢ Customized title and description for the template in site settings.
▢ Removed unused components or assets from the project.
Copyright Compliance
▢ Avoided use of copyrighted content.
▢ Refrained from using copyrighted images, videos, custom fonts, and company logos of other official companies.
▢ Ensured the template publishes without any optimization errors.
Component Naming & Updating
▢ Named components descriptively and meaningfully.
▢ Ensured component names reflect their functionality.
▢ Kept all external components in the template up-to-date.
Accessibility, SEO & Performance
▢ Ensured accessible color contrast where feasible.
▢ Achieved a good Lighthouse score.
▢ Followed best practices for SEO.
▢ Implemented accessibility measures.
CMS & Template Naming
▢ Named CMS fields to clearly correlate to the linked items.
▢ Gave the template a unique, single-word name.
▢ Made sure the chosen name isn't already taken on the Framer template page.
▢ Made sure the chosen name isn't copyrighted
Code & Support
▢ Avoided using external libraries for core functionality or visuals.
▢ Ensured capability and availability to offer template support to users.